True Crime, History Episodes

Feb. 2, 2023

7. Lana Turner - A Real Life Tragedy

One of Hollywood's golden girls, Lana Turner,  lived a life that could have been a movie itself.  Unfortunately, the life of a movie star is not always as glamorous as it is portrayed. By the time she realized she was involv…
Dec. 22, 2022

2. The Fogleman Family Murders

An elderly couple is murdered in their home in a small town in North Carolina. Who would've believed that a man who played Santa in the town's Christmas parade would end up being the main suspect?
Dec. 22, 2022

3. Killer Aunt Earle Dennison

In 1952 Earle Dennison visited her favorite three-year-old niece.  She gave her poison under the guise of a treat. This led to discovering the killer aunt's dark and murderous past.